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In our Nursery and Reception classes, we have built our own EYFS curriculum tailored to the learning needs of our children. We have created a curriculum that builds on and revisits key knowledge from two years old. 

Each academic year we also ask for our parents and carers views regarding what they would like to see included. They too help us to build our curriculum for their children. 

Staff incorporate learning experiences and opportunities which best meet the learning and developmental needs of the children in our classes. Some are planned ahead of time whilst some are planned "in the moment" as staff follow the children's lead, allowing them to flourish.

We aim to provide children with the knowledge and skills that they need to acquire to achieve the Early Learning Goals at the end of the EYFS alongside nurturing their emotional and spiritual development.

We provide welcoming and inviting classroom environments both inside and outside which promote self-confidence and independent learning. Children are given time to develop the key characteristics of effective learning through uninterrupted and extended child-led play.

We know how important it is to work in partnership with our families to ensure children feel settled, safe and happy in our care. We work closely alongside all our parents and carers and with other agencies to ensure the children get the best possible start.


All of our Early Years Practitioners have high expectations of all children and recognise their different starting points in their learning. Our Curriculum evolves with different cohorts of children based on their learning needs. 

All of our Early Years team of staff model positive behaviour and provide emotional coaching to the children. We are passionate advocates for ensuring that all children are taught about the different feelings and staff empower children so that they are able to share how they feel. We provide support for children who have worries or concerns; especially as a result of the pandemic. We fully believe happy children learn.  

Our team of staff work closely together and are committed to swiftly identifying any barriers to learning that children might have and we are prompt with adding in additional support and at seeking extra support for these children.  

We pride ourselves on our strong parental partnerships which empower parents to support their child’s learning at home. We get to know our families and children well and use their interests to support learning.

Our Early Years team join children in their play and support children with their next steps in learning through planning in the moment. We plan for each child’s age and stage of development to enable them to progress. The team understand that children bring a range of different knowledge and experiences which we aim to build upon and we provide them with the necessary skills to express and communicate their thoughts and ideas.

Children are provided with a range of rich and challenging learning experiences, opportunities to explore their surroundings, ask questions take risks and learn through first hand experience in a safe and stimulating environment. The environments both indoors and outdoors are adapted to meet the different and developing needs of our children. Children are given time to develop friendships with other children and adults model positive social interaction. Children enjoy a social snack time where children are given a choice, are encouraged to use their manners and once they are in Reception class, are able to lead group snack time with very little adult support.

Our Church school values are a golden thread across our Early Years Curriculum. Children in our Reception class take part in daily collective worship and access other enriching experiences such as visiting our local church and other places of worship. 

Staff provide a rich language environment where adults continually model and use new vocabulary. Adults encourage children to use this new vocabulary in their own self directed play. A combination of adult-led, group and individual support can be seen in both classrooms. 

We actively promote a love of reading and singing and we immerse children in stories and books in all areas of learning. Children enjoy daily rhyme and story time. We use a 'book of the week' to inspire and engage the children, and then follow, develop and extend their interests and enquiries as they arise. Our 'book of the week' is often linked to a child's interests or related to a Tapestry post that their parent/carer has shared with us. 

Children in our Nursery class take part in phase 1 phonic learning activities both indoors and outdoors; they are embedded into all learning opportunities. There are systematic approaches to teaching reading in Reception class (Read Write Inc) to ensure all children learn to read. 

In our Nursery class maths is linked to all parts of the day and children spend time learning counting rhymes and staff exploit any maths learning opportunities when they join children in their play.  Children in our Reception class follow the Power Maths scheme of work. 

Our Early Years teacher has established close links with other local nurseries so that when it is time for a child to start in our reception class, the child accesses a smooth transition.

You can read about how we work in partnership with parents via the other tab. 


The impact of our provision can be seen through outcomes for our children and the delight they take when coming into the setting, excited to learn. All of our Early Years Team see it as a privilege to be part of such an important stage in the children’s development and our dedicated staff work tirelessly to deliver the best possible outcomes for our children. Children can start with us from the age of 2. Most of our nursery pupils remain with us to start their Reception year. This means that they can be with us in the EYFS for three years giving them the best start as they are settled and have established positive relationships with staff. All staff get to know ALL of the children. 

In our setting you can see:

  • Children who show confidence, empathy, determination, resilience and curiosity.
  • Children who feel happy, safe and who are motivated to learn. 
  • High levels of engagement and motivation demonstrated from children which supports them in becoming lifelong learners.
  • Competent and confident readers who demonstrate a love of reading.
  • Evidence of strong links with parents.
  • Children who demonstrate the characteristics of effective learning and are well prepared for their next stage in learning.
  • Children accessing a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum regardless of their background, needs or abilities.
  • Children who are supported by adults who are well trained and who are passionate about providing the best education for every child.

The EYFS encompasses our school moto: Learn, Enjoy, Achieve.